OIL CHECK 500 Stationary measuring device for compressed air and gas
Product Descriptions
The monitoring system for high-precision measuring of the vaporous residual oil content of compressed air and nitrogen. Quality according to ISO 8573-1
Forced Pressure Variation” for long-term stable measurement results – auto-calibration:
Using the innovative “Forced Pressure Variation” measuring method, the OIL CHECK 500 generates reference gas in different mass concentrations within the device. This method, which is protected by CS INSTRUMENTS, can be used to compensate for ageing or contamination-related components in the measurement signal, in particular long-term drift. No wearing parts such as
activated carbon filters are required for the generation of zero air. The result is low maintenance and long-term stable measuring.
Service friendly, no downtime:
The sensor unit can be replaced by the customer on site. This eliminates the need to return the entire device for recalibration.
Process reliability:
All functions / components are monitored internally. A complete function test report can be printed out using the service software.
On-site calibration:
Calibration can be carried out in the field using test gas cylinders. The service software can be used to generate a
verification report (as-found data) and a calibration report (as-left data) can be generated.
Ideal for Portable Measuring:
Compact Measuring devices, easy sampling and quickly ready for Measuring
Simple installation
Air inlet / air outlet – sampling via PTFE hose
or stainless steel line.
Digital and analogue interfaces as standard.
Connection via M12 plug